Electrify UX

Electrify UX




Unleash the Pixels

Unleash the Pixels

Unleash the Pixels

Expert in creating jaw-dropping, finger-clicking, and simply sublime user experiences to help your project skyrocket to the top. No more flat lines, it’s all about the rollercoaster ride of awesomeness.

Got your attention? Fabulous! Now it’s time to dive into my projects so you can see for yourself what kind of future legend you’ve bumped into.



Revolutionized app interfaces leaving flat designs in the dust and entrancing users with futuristic 8-bit curves.



Persona development that made even the most aloof users feel like they were chatting with their new BFF.

“I’ve never seen such a dazzling UX designer—gimme more!”

“I’ve never seen such a dazzling UX designer—gimme more!”

Experience Timeline

MagicLeap Inc.

MagicLeap Inc.

MagicLeap Inc.


Spacely Startups

Spacely Startups

Spacely Startups


PixelDazzle Agency

PixelDazzle Agency

PixelDazzle Agency


Design University

Design University

Design University

Graduated 2018

Ready. Set. Create!

Ready. Set. Create!

Ready. Set. Create!

Dare to enter the world of electrifying UX? Don’t resist your fascination. Give in and let’s create something truly spectacular together. Are you bold enough to take the plunge?

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© Electrifying UX Magic

Generated on: July 1, 2023